Economics Instructors:   

Competitive Online Courses Need Compelling Video

Online Means Video

Our 290+ broadcast quality, professionally produced short videos and animations capture a student's imagination and let economics teachers professionally transition courses online. Students happily grasp key concepts remotely.  


Students will thank you for assigning engaging video that they can also watch on their phones.  Students can watch these short economics videos and animations anywhere, anytime. Profs watch their students get better grades.

Visually Gorgeous

Beautifully presented short animations concentrate on the key economics concepts letting students achieve that aha moment. Profs can de-stress, relax, and monitor their students' progress on your school's LMS.

Interactive Questions

Our video package includes interactive questions that make it easy for instructors to test student progress and adjust accordingly. Use the analytics to measure and respond to class progress. We can help you measure student success.

Disabled Access

We need to do more for disabled students. Econblox closed captioned all its videos to assist the hearing-impaired absorb video content. Closed captioning is a bonus for foreign students and students who need to study in noisy places.

Real World Work

Econblox videos are rich with real-world examples and applications. Videos feature real-world examples that help students connect with the content!   Watch students' performance and satisfaction improve with these videos.  

Gorgeous Economics Videos That Accelerate Learning

This Natural Monopoly lecture video is just under two minutes in length and was shot in High Definition in Boston, near Fenway Park. The featured instructor is a lecturer at Northeastern University.

This Opportunity Cost in International Trade lecture videos is four and a half minutes in length and was shot in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The featured instructor is a lecturer at Northern Michigan University.

This Natural Monopoly key concept video is 37 seconds in length and was produced in Montreal. All videos are closed captioned.

This short GDP Deflator vs. CPI video helps students understand the difference between these two measures of price levels.

What courses do the economics videos cover?

  • Microeconomics (165 videos and animations)
  • Macroeconomics (130 videos and animations)
  • Principles of Economics (280+ videos and animations)
  • Math Basics for Economics (8 videos)

See a full listing of topics covered and videos


"The films have a fast tempo that respond to students' attention spans and will help many tremendously. The animations are clear, sleek, and understandable."

Emilie Johnsson, Student, Concordia University

"The videos are very concise and to the point...the application of real world examples makes them very easy to follow ... perfect length."

Ryan Besse, Student, McGill University

"I think this effort is outstanding and I'm recommending it to my students."
Mike Fladlien, Economics Teacher, Iowa

"These guys demonstrated time and time again, their understanding of what it takes to create truly successful and engaging educational videos."

Daniel Rivet, Executive Director, Ideeclic

We work with you to quickly move the videos into your course content - hassle-free.

  • We can add the videos to your online content for you.
  • Videos seamlessly fit into all popular school systems and course content.
  • Videos and animations are distilled into just the essentials.
  • The videos and animations are < 2 minutes long on average
  • Instructors can use the interactive multiple choice questions to check student understanding.
  • Video closed captioning addresses hearing-impaired students' needs.
Visual learning for economics infographic
Econblox economics videos on phones and in class

We can add these economics videos to your online class fast.

Your students will thank you!

Like What You See?  Book A Demo Now!

Econblox videos and related content can stand alone or be presented as a SCORM slide show. 

Here is "Natural Monopoly" in a SCORM format.  Great for reviews too!

Give your students all the tools they need to succeed online!

Case Study: A Review Module Added to Your Content

The above video shows one way that Econblox content can be used in an online course. In this case, the Econblox videos are added as a review module.

Each learning or review unit is easy to navigate, view videos, read notes, and test  knowledge.

Students autonomously work through the content which means better grades and reduced student inquiries.

In Case You Are Interested:  Use OpenStax Textbooks - FREE!

Why should students pay $200 for a textbook when world-class textbooks are free?

OpenStax also supplies professors with a ton of instructor aids, including powerpoints.
All Econblox videos dovetail with OpenStax and all popular publisher textbook topics.

Simply call us at 778-373-6149



Since our company began, more than a decade ago, we have had the privilege of working with these great clients, and many more.